HIIT: practical considerations for team sports

HIIT: practical considerations for team sports

Regardless of your chosen sport, knowing how to implement high-intensity interval training (HIIT) within any S&C program should be a non-negotiable skill to have in your wheelhouse. The benefits are well established, and HIIT can be catered to stimulate the...
How AI is (not) going to change sport science

How AI is (not) going to change sport science

If you asked me: “Do we need artificial intelligence (AI) to be better sport scientists?” I might retort by asking you in return: “Did we need electric guitars to make better music?” I’ve spent the last ten years in the field of mathematical modelling. As a...
Daily morning rituals: winning or ruining the day?

Daily morning rituals: winning or ruining the day?

Successful entrepreneurs often tout the importance of their daily morning rituals in terms of achieving their exceptional outcomes [1]. These daily routines, often conducted from 4 to 6 am, are said to reduce stress, increase happiness, and improve productivity....
HIITing the lip in professional surfing

HIITing the lip in professional surfing

I wanted to contribute a blog post to HIIT Science with the hopes it might offer a working framework, as well as inspiration, for practitioners beginning in a new sport, as I did in elite surfing in 2008. Curiosity as an Ally When I started working in competitive...
Bridging the great divide

Bridging the great divide

I was privileged to speak at two conferences this past weekend, to two distinct audiences about HIIT Science. The first was the CSEP conference in Niagara Falls for the Gord Sleivert memorial address; the audience consisting largely of university professors and...
HIIT recovery: How long till my next HIIT?

HIIT recovery: How long till my next HIIT?

As an applied physiologist and past rowing coach, that was my question. Recommendations typically encourage the separation of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions by at least 48 h (11). But given there are so many ways to skin the cat with HIIT, and so...


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