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Microdosing, Rehab, Neuropriming, Neurocognitive Training and More! – With Bram Swinnen & Dr. Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes While we have mentioned this heaps of time before, ECCENTRIC training can be so many things: performance improvement, movement teaching (especially for decelerations) and neuro-cognitive...
HYROX Solved?! The HYBRID Athlete Puzzles Becomes Clearer?! – with Dr Dan Plews & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes While strength and endurance are obviously key in hybrid sports, you have to remember about MOBILITY. Yes, not necessarily “flexibility”, but active ability to move through large ranges of...
How to MAXIMIZE Submaximal Testing – with Dr Shaun McLaren & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Make sure that you have MULTIPLE variables for a complete testing system. You cannot just rely on one parameters, neither one type of data (e.g. heart rate). Mix it in with e.g. some...
The Drive Beyond Trophies: Become the Practitioner of the Future- With Dave Carolan & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes If you need to start or boost your PROMOTIONAL skills of YOURSELF, you might need to dig into other people’s ideas, thoughts and concepts. Re-use, re-purpose, re-brand them even - just make...
How Low Can You Drop Your Carbs? – With Dr Philip Prins & Prof Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Early studies on low carb high fat intake were quite low in quality, especially around “acclimatisation” to it. You need to adapt for much longer when switching regimes, and especially if...
Masterclass in Leveraging Your Athlete’s Fibre Types – With Prof. Wim Derave & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Muscle fibre types are quite individual and the distribution of “slow” and “fast” varies a bit more in detail. We all KNOW about it, but we do NOT DO much with it. Now, with new techniques...
There Is So Much You Could Be Missing in Your Rehab Process – With Dr Enda King & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Biomechanics (kinetic and kinematic analysis) can help you SEE MORE. There is only so much that you can do with experience and your own pair of eyes. Make sure to use all the tools you can...
How to Master End-Stage ACL Rehab – With Fillipo Picinini & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Promoting good movement quality BEFORE moving to pitch-specific rehab is essential for long-term success of any injury rehab. If you move too fast, especially with ACL injuries, you risk...
Breaking Records: The Triathlon Simulation That Set Up Magnus Ditlev’s World Record– Dr.Peter Christensen, Magnus Ditlev & Prof Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Real-life simulations can be very motivating for endurance athletes. Additionally, it builds heaps of confidence and mental toughness. Plus, if you throw in some fancy measurements and keen...
Eccentric Training Is Not Strength Training – With Dr Marcin Lipski & Prof Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Eccentric muscle actions, and thus, ECCENTRIC-ONLY training is difficult - but, the benefits of it happen very quickly, and you can improve incredibly fast. Do not be afraid of using it;...
Rowing Secrets From a Multiple World Champ – With Martino Goretti & Prof. Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Training plans, with AI or without, are not about just “executing” what is planned. This is a CORE aspect of good coaching: adjusting and being there for the athlete when they are not sure...
Solve Your Wicked Problems as a Team – With Dr Martin Bucheit & Ryan King
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Conflict, disagreement and silos are STILL a massive issues for many performance departments. Don’t be SUCH an EGO (Martin wants you to understand that ego is essential), consider...