Listen as leaders in the field discuss the latest research, strategies and how to become a better coach on The Training Science Podcast.

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Reflecting on 2024: Lessons, Laughs, and Goals for 2025
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Do not move AWAY from conversations about methods, processes or topics that you do not agree with. Reach out, have a conversation, start a “discussion” and try to see how there might be...
Science-Driven Rowing: Strength, Conditioning, and the Future of Performance – with Joseph DeLeo, Alex Wolf & Prof. Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Anaerobic and neuromuscular capacity are KEY for rowing, and with even greater emphasis on it with now shorter distances for LA. DO NOT overdo your miles. Rowing has a SLOW...
The MOST EFFECTIVE Basics of Sports Data – With Dr. Derek McHugh & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes “Simply” start with the data basics. Like for example, try to make sure that names are not spelled wrong. For that, across all your data exports, you can utilize IDs to avoid errors. Yes,...
We Need to Talk About Oxygen – With Elias Lehtonen & Prof Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Oxygen is KEY to everything in your body, but it is also CENTRAL to AVERAGE human health and PEAK performance. It drives everything from BREATHING, to molecular signaling pathways, and...
Navigate the Chaos of Professional Football – With Angel Acena & Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes YOUR priorities are rarely the ones of the players or the club. Particularly, if you just arrived in a new country and culture. Try to get to know everyone and what THEY really need right...
Women Need Unique Performance Support – With Ellie Maybury & Prof. Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes A wholesome and holistic approach is essential to helping and supporting the performance and well-being of female athletes. This is particularly crucial when collaborating with them around...
FINALLY: The Ultimate Way to Maximise Your HIIT Intervals – With Ingvill Odden & Prof. Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Time spent at or close to your VO2max has been FINALLY proven to be the MAIN factor for performance gains. Now, go hard! BUT make sure you are not JUST going hard. It seems that you also...
What Do You Need Rather Than Want for Your Training? – With David Wadsworth & Prof. Paul Laursen
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes If your NECK is in PAIN, your HIPS don’t move well, MAYBE, just maybe consider looking into a better fit for your bike. No, those aero gains are not worth the long-term damage you are doing...
The Ultimate Guide to Managing Return to Play – With Dr Simon Harries & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes REHAB, PERFORMANCE, MEDICAL and more are just TAGS, and in the end NEED you all have and should work together on the same things, as well as have specific strengths to drive into with more...
Elevate Your Key Players to Leaders of Your Standards – With Dr Garrison Draper & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Make sure that you are always putting yourself into the background. Whether it is training, communications, prehab, rehab, performance, whatever. The players come first, and if you can build...
The Cost of Not Asking Better Performance Questions – With Dr Jason Weber & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes All the tools in the world does NOT stop you from LOOKING for BETTER solutions. Make sure to keep ASKING questions! Running technique, variability, kinetics and kinematics, and so much more...
The SCIENCE of the FLOW STATE – with Dr Matt Dubin & Dr Martin Buchheit
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Show Notes Feedback systems to YOURSELF is one of the most important ones. You are at the centre of realising your own tasks into useful improvements for your future work - don’t wait for your manager....