SUPERshoes, Breathing, Training Methods, CGMs, HRV & More of the Newest Magic Solutions?! – With Alex Hutchinson

Written by Paul Laursen

July 6, 2023

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Show Notes

  1. Although an athlete’s ā€œfeelingā€ is somewhat important when it comes to new methods or tech, it can be a problematic point that could decrease or increase actual objective changes. You need to consider this when playing around with new equipment or training methods.Ā 

  2. Supershoes for running could be useful. If you have money, lots of time to test them with something meaningful (maybe a ā€œpowerā€ meter?), and if you can discern the subjective (see 1.) from objective benefits.

  3. Nothing is really new: the same goes for the Norwegian ā€œmethodā€. They are basically doing highly controlled threshold runs (in long intervals – not just simulated ā€œracesā€ like most American runners/endurance athletes apparently do); plus a safe collection of fast and slow work.

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