by Paul Laursen | Apr 21, 2023 | Podcast
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Show Notes Just because SOMETHING in your daily routine, especially if it is a quantifiable measure, is low (e.g. HRV), it does not mean that you have to abandon your whole play for that day. Adapt,...
by Paul Laursen | Apr 14, 2023 | Podcast
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Show Notes You don’t know what you don’t know, and that is ok. If you have no clue how to reach more women in your sport science “insert here” (conferences, team, group, research group etc.), then...
by Paul Laursen | Apr 3, 2023 | Podcast
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Show Notes Don’t be afraid to TRIAL & ERROR, even at the HIGH PERFORMANCE levels. You don’t know what you don’t know. Find the MULTIPLICATORS and EARLY ADOPTERS in every team to spread what you...
by Paul Laursen | Mar 21, 2023 | Podcast
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Show Notes Remember what the main point of the strength and conditioning practitioner is in your sport (it is ALWAYS a supplement – but what for exactly!): you don’t need to focus a lot on...
by Paul Laursen | Mar 10, 2023 | Podcast
Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Show Notes Develop an environment where EVERYONE knows that they can and DO voice their opinion, and then you work TOGETHER towards a solution. Within this environment try to WORK towards a space...