Everything You Need to Know on Ketone Science & Supplementation – With Dr. Chiel Poffé

Written by Paul Laursen

July 17, 2023

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Show Notes

  1. Ingestion of exogenous ketone esters (like Delta-G, Ketone Aid) show heightened levels of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) similar to several days of fasting.

  2. When you ingest ketone ester products you REDUCE reliance on glucose during exercise.

  3. For HIGH intensity exercise (that requires glucose) -> Ketone Esters have a negative effect! ; low intensity long duration ULTRA exercise may be helpful from a cognitive standpoint.

  4. The biggest gain you get with ketone esters is in recovery; they appear to enhance aspects of adaptation. Sleep, erythropoietin and capillarization have all shown enhancements following post-exercise supplementation.

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