SPORT SCIENCE 3.0: STOP Just Scratching The Surface! – with Dr. Martin Buchheit & Prof. Paul Laursen

August 13, 2024

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Show Notes

  1. Stop scratching the surface, but donā€™t get overwhelmed by the ā€œfirehoseā€ of information. You are likely only reading and viewing the ā€œsexyā€ information, without looking deep enough into most issues. There is heaps more data than you think there is, and your problems cannot be fixed by a 60s video.Ā 

  2. HEAT works! It has been proven across all environments (hot & cold). Like this, there are heaps of areas where people push OPINIONS without backing up with any EVIDENCE-informed thought.Ā 

  3. Zone 2 or HIIT for time limited football training? GPS parameter shortcuts for ā€œinternal loadingā€? STOP trying to make everything simpler, easier and a FAST solution. Start looking into MECHANISMS, CONNECTIONS and CONTEXT!

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