360 Degree Approach to Performance & Technology Is Not What You Think It Is – With Chris Tombs

Written by Paul Laursen

March 10, 2023

Listen to the episode now or find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Show Notes

  1. Develop an environment where EVERYONE knows that they can and DO voice their opinion, and then you work TOGETHER towards a solution.
  2. Within this environment try to WORK towards a space where it is OK to agree to disagree! It is crucial to HEAR out and give space to different perspectives, and then to be OK with going different pathways – whether it is YOURS or someone else’s perspective.
  3. It takes only 15 MINUTES to get a strength profile from any player, and then you can USE THAT ANY day to prescribe any VELOCITY based training adequately (AND INDIVIDUALLY!).
  4. ALL the tech for velocity based training has advantages and disadvantages – use what fits you better. Oh, and btw: there are now some EMG tools available that could be directly useful RIGHT NOW in the field and/or gym.

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